Personal Settings

User Connection Guide

Learn how to connect your account in Slack with your Jira account.

Nick Cron
Updated by Nick Cron

Personal Notifications

Personal notifications in Slack replace your Jira emails with our app. You get notified from the bot when relevant issues are updated that effect your day. What to know: You can manage your notificat…

Nick Cron
Updated by Nick Cron

App Home Screen and Settings

Your home screen in Slack acts as a dashboard for Jira inside Slack. You can access your home screen as an easy way to interact with Jira from Slack. What to know: You can view lists of issues, creat…

Nick Cron
Updated by Nick Cron

Advanced Personal Notifications

Personal notifications in Slack replace your Jira emails with our app. You get notified from the bot when relevant issues are updated that effect your day. Using advanced personal notifications, you…

Dallas de Marr
Updated by Dallas de Marr

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