Table of Contents

Interacting with Issues using the View Dialog

Anytime you receive a notification from Jira Integration+ you will be able to take additional actions by clicking the "View" button.

Interacting with issues

  1. Receive a notification from the bot containing a Jira Issue.
  2. Click the View button on one of the issues
  3. View issue details and make updates as needed
    1. Comment - add a new comment to the issue
    2. Transition - move the issue through the workflow
    3. Assign - change the assignee of the issue
    4. Create discussion - create a dedicated channel in Slack to discuss the issue
    5. Other Actions
      1. Log Work - add to the issue time log
      2. Edit - edit the issue
      3. Watch - add yourself as a watcher on the issue
      4. Vote - vote for the issue

How did we do?

Assign Tickets to Yourself Using the :eyes: Emoji

Quickly Log Time to Jira Issues

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